Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Attend a DFA Training in October

Whether you're looking to brush up on certain features of DoubleClick for Advertisers or are entirely new to using the product, the DFA training team offers a variety of training experiences that best suit your needs. In addition to in-person classroom training for a deep dive on the product, we also offer a regular rotation of webinars focused on a particular hot topic.

Visit the DoubleClick Learn Center to register (sign-in required).

Classroom Training

DFA Fundamentals: This all day course (10am-5pm) is useful for new DFA users who are looking to understand the fundamentals of third-party ad serving including best practices for campaign trafficking, serving your ads and pulling reports.

  • Chicago - October 19
  • Minneapolis - October 24
  • Santa Monica - October 24
  • San Francisco - October 26
  • New York - November 2

DFA Trafficking Lab: This lab provides users with practice at running campaigns. It covers basic DFA functionality including assigning landing pages to creatives, updating campaigns, setting up geo-targeting and using creative rotation. As a prerequisite, attendees should have taken the DFA Fundamentals class in the previous two months or have less than two months trafficking experience.

  • Chicago - October 20
  • Minneapolis - October 25
  • Santa Monica - October 25
  • San Francisco - October 27
  • New York - November 3

MediaVisor: Learn more about MediaVisor in this course that covers how to plan and create campaigns, advertisers, site placements and IOs as well as how to send RFPs.

  • New York - November 3

Webinar Training This month join us for webinars focusing on how to work with Ads in DFA. For those not able to attend the classroom training sessions, we also offer monthly webinars for both DFA and MediaVisor Fundamentals.

DFA Ads - Making Them Work for You - October 11 This webinar will teach you the fundamentals of setting up ads in DFA while thinking strategically about campaigns. We'll tackle questions such as "how can you set up ads as efficiently as possible?" and "how do you manage start and end dates so that the right things run at the right time?" and "how do you avoid serving too many defaults?"

Priority, Frequency Capping, Targeting and Other Ad Level Capabilities - October 18 DFA gives you the flexibility to do a lot with your ads, you just have to discover the possibilities. This webinar will teach you how to leverage things like priority, frequency capping, and targeting in order to enhance your campaigns.

Click Trackers and 1x1's - Getting it Right - October 25 Did you know that you can track site-served creatives using DFA? Do you know how to best work with sites to ensure that click trackers get implemented correctly? Well, we can teach you. Trafficking these types of ads can get tricky and we're here to show you how to get it right.

DFA for New Users - October 12 and October 26 An introduction to the fundamentals of DFA.

MediaVisor Fundamentals - October 18 An introduction to the fundamentals of MediaVisor.

To sign up for all upcoming webinars and view recordings of past webinars, visit the DoubleClick Learn Center (sign-in required). And be sure to check back with us on this blog for regular updates to our training schedule.

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