Kamis, 28 Februari 2008

Epson Showcases their Brand Message in HD Quality

Yesterday, we released a new feature called HD Video that makes it possible for a rich media ad to expand into a fullscreen video ad in HD quality. We worked with Adobe on this release to incorporate their latest Flash technology into our fullscreen capabilities.

Epson is the first advertiser to use this feature. A special thanks goes out to them and their creative agency, Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners (BSSP) for being innovative clients. Jordan Kretchmer, BSSP's associate creative director, shared with us why HD Video made such a good fit for the campaign. He said, “Throughout this campaign, we aimed to present Epson printers with a human touch and personality. DoubleClick Rich Media with HD Video was exactly the type of solution that helped us achieve our goal. HD Video lets us deliver our creative in a way that reflects the high quality of Epson products. Consumers aren’t used to seeing such pristine video online, so we expect the new HD technology to capture peoples’ attention like a standard video unit never could.”

To learn more about HD Video, read the Adotas article titled, “DoubleClick Goes High-Def in Bid for Consumers’ Attention.”

Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

The End of the Writer's Strike

As of today, members of the Writers Guild of America, which has been on strike since Nov. 5, 2007, are going back to work. The guild voted late yesterday to end the walkout after agreeing with Hollywood's producers on compensation for TV shows and movies streamed on the Web.

Previously on DoubleClick's website, we asked visitors, "What month will the writer's strike end?" Almost 150 people responded.

Here's how you replied:

January: 5.63%
February: 28.17%
March: 27.46%
April: 9.86%
May: 13.38%
June or later: 15.49%

Congratulations to the 28.17% of you that accurately predicted the future!