Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Counting All the Cookies in Ad Planner

We’re always looking at ways to improve data in DoubleClick Ad Planner. For example, back in April we changed the algorithm for calculating unique visitors (users). Now we are also updating the way we estimate unique visitors (cookies). Generally you should see this value go up across the board which will more accurately represent the relationship between real people and cookies.

Previously we looked at a sample of cookies for a site and built a model to extrapolate overall statistics for that site. Now we have a much smarter process where we look at the overall number of cookies on a site and use that to estimate overall traffic, resulting in bigger, more accurate, values. As before, we look only at the aggregate number of cookies, not the cookies themselves.

The Ad Planner product team is continually striving to bring the most accurate and comprehensive view of sites on the internet to our users. The end result of this latest effort is that now you’ll see more accurate cookie values represented in Ad Planner.

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